Each of the writers had entered book manuscripts in the 2010 Amazon.com Breakthrough Novel Contest. Ultimately, the winner of the contest in the YA and Adult novel categories will receive publication by Penguin. Many other authors who manage to become finalists will be published as a result of having written wonderful manuscripts.
Making the cut is tough. Just two days ago, the YA and Adult category entrants who made the critical second-round selection in the 2010 ABNA were announced. And I am so tickled to tell you that both visiting "Writing Teen Voice" novelists made the cut!
The guest post by Tracy Walshaw, PAPER TIGERS, appears below. Or you may click on the "Writing High School" articles list name at the lower right side of this blog page (just below the adorable adoptable pet photo) to read her guest blog.
I'll be putting up the guest post by Megan Bostic, LOCKDOWN, later today.
I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to both novelists. And to thank them publicly for being so generous to guest post at my blog. THANK YOU!
Thanks so much Randy. :)
Uh oh. Just turned into a crazy mixed-movie day. My bride and visiting s.i.l. are taking me to the movies and, uh, they are going to watch Crazy Hearts and I am taking the fork in the movie road to see Shutter Island. Hmmm.
I am wondeirng how I can possibly steal their popcorn from way over in the other theatre. Puzzling.
Anyway, there may be a brief delay in my getting the next post up today... probably will be this evening, at best.
But it's a GOOD one! Megan is lots of fun and I'll have links to her popular videos that chronicle the life of a writer. Promise.
Oh, unless Shutter Island changes my life and I run off to join a band of Travelers or something. Which I just might do... if they have popcorn.
Randy, thank you SO much for the opportunity to talk about the writing and about Paper Tigers. I am so excited to make it to the top 1,000 at the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Contest along with so many friends that made it, too! Yay Megan! :D
Fingers now crossed for us in March! :D
Put on hold for Shutter Island! *dramatically throws hand to forehead while swooning, a tear silently trickles down her cheek*
Kidding. No problem. Just excited for the opportunity. :)
dramatically throws hand to forehead while swooning, a tear silently trickles down her cheek
OMG, you sound JUST like a rich and famous writer, Megan!!
am proud of friends too! And thrilled. Go, Megan and Tracy! But I will be joining your wife and SIL for Crazy Hearts. And, don't touch my popcorn.
Congratulations, Megan and Tracy! Well done!
And Randy, another popcorn addict. Have fun.
Hi, Randy. I enjoy reading your blog and have a blog award waiting for you. http://sharifwrites.blogspot.com/2010/02/only-alien-on-planet-kristen-randle.html
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