From Wikipedia: John Kendrick Bangs (1862-1922), an American author and satirist, and the creator of modern Bangsian fantasy, the school of fantasy writing that sets the plot wholly or partially in the afterlife.
I found this little hardcover in a used-books shop and was taken by the color illustration on the black cover, as much as by the title. I knew nothing about this author (who was for some years the editor of Puck).

I had no idea. I just thought I was writing in a fictional arena where I have done lots of research. Ghosts.
Oh, and that other arena. High school is as good a place as any to play dead for a few years.
Before I get too excited about finding Bangs's book as a named historical literary affirmation of my own work, I should point out that he also authored a book called The Idiot.
I might be working in that tradition, as well. Gulp.

Sweet. Where'd you come across the beaut?
What a cool find. Kudos.
i found the bangs' ghost book online for free. thanks for the heads-up on the title. looks interesting.
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